Thursday 5 April 2012

My New Found Social Media Skills

Social media skills are an important asset to have in today's society.  It enables individuals and companies the reach audiences around the world.  It all starts with something interesting.  Through my time at Durham College and a course specifically designed for social media (Social Media and Society), I have acquired the knowledge needed to develop and utilize this powerful skill.

When I started the course I didn't have a lot of exposure to social media tools.  I had a facebook account and that's about it.  Funny thing was that I didn't really know much about it nor how to use most of it's features.  Today I'm proud to say that I can use a vast amount of the popular social media tools available such as; blogger (what you're reading right now), facebook, flickr, xtranormal, linkedin, and a vast majority or others.

Each tool has a common purpose, to share with the world whatever it is that you wish.  For me it's about reaching potential customers around the globe for the games that I will be developing for various platforms.  Selling products in a store is yesterdays version of selling.  E-Commerce with feedback from all over the world is where it's at.  Have something worthwhile that people around to globe enjoy and Social media will take care of the rest as the word of mouth becomes word of the world through social media.

Just as I'm writing this, you can comment on it.  That's social media.  Social being between two or more people.  The ability to respond to what it is you're interacting with.  Like commenting on this blog, or commenting on my pictures on flickr, or maybe it's giving a rating and a comment about a game that I've released.  All these things are social media tools.

If you're not into social media yet, it's a good time to start.  It's the future of many things.  So go and get started making a name for yourself online.  A good name for yourself online that it.

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